Loans: 'Everybody Talks About The Weather'

Fondazione Prada, on view from May 20th to November 26th 2023

Baldwin Contemporary is delighted to be supporting the Fondazione Prada's upcoming exhibition, 'Everybody Talks About The Weather', on view from May 20th to November 26th 2023.

A work by Gerhard Richter, owned by the gallery, has been lent to the Fondazione for the duration of the show.

Curated by Dieter Roelstraete the show features fifty works by contemporary artists and a complementary selection of historical artworks to trace the various ways in which climate and weather have shaped our histories and how humanity has dealt with our everyday exposure to meteorological events.

Miuccia Prada, President of Fondazione Prada has stated: "the project arose from the idea of taking weather as a starting point to highlight the urgency of climate change, empirically equating meteorology and climatology, and using the tools of art and science together. The goal is to understand the environmental crisis and its undeniable impact on our lives by drawing attention to, representing, and analyzing meteorological phenomena. Climate is a global issue that influences the actions and destinies of people worldwide. Talking about the weather today therefore means talking and worrying about everyone's future."


